Sunday, May 22, 2011

Home Stretch Continued

We are hoping to move Memorial Day weekend but that is only a week away and there is a lot that still needs to be done. They need to finish trim, touch up paint, put on door handles and clean.
I still need to pack. It going to be quite a week!

In the Home Stretch

There will be two posts of pictures. I can't get any more than six to load on this post. I am not the best photograher :-)
I love the green color in the kitchen. I don't think the pictures represent the color properly and I think one will either love it or hate it. Jeff says he likes it but I'm not so sure. The backsplash turned out fabulously. The pictures I took don't do it justice.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Let Me Entertain You

This is the entertainment center the cabinet man built for us.

They are going to start painting Friday or Monday. Then they will put up the backsplash in the kitchen, install the countertops, put in the light fixtures and we will be ready to move in! The only problem is, we are too busy to move.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Ice Cream Man! The Ice Cream Man!

Chad is one of his best customers. It had been two years since Chad had seen his old friend so I couldn't wait for the ice cream man to come so I could yell, "Here comes the ice cream man"! It just so happens that Lindsay, Lauren and James were here too . They all ran out the door with me chasing after them with my billfold. The ice cream man knew exactly what Chad wanted; two screwballs and a snowcone. When it was time to pay, I owed the ice cream man $9.00! We had to have been his best customer that day and that's ok. We made his day and he made ours!

Floored! (and we have cabinets)

the living room

master bedroom

tile in the bathroom

cabinets in the bathroom
kitchen cabinets

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What a Difference a Day and a Little Drywall Make

the bathroom

the shower

spare bedroom

master bedroom with closet in the background

kitchen -sink will be under the window with the refrigerator to the left-the dishwasher and stove will be on the wall to the right

kitchen- eating area is behind the bar

living room

living room-the door at the back goes into the utility room

Monday, March 21, 2011

Window to my World

Now this makes me happy. It's amazing how one little window can make such a big difference. As excited as I was about the renovation, I was worried about not having a window over the kitchen sink. I am very grateful they could make it happen. YAY!

Lindsay is standing at the bar in the kitchen. Behind her is the eating area.
Hopefully by next week they will start drywalling.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

We've Been Framed!

I am standing in the living room. The kitchen is behind me. The spare bedroom is to the left and the laundry/utility room is to the right.

master bedroom

walk-in closet


Jeff in the shower checking to see if there is room to pick up the soap (seriously)

view of living room and master bedroom (toward the back)

second bedroom

Yes indeed!

Monday, February 14, 2011


This wheelbarrow has been working very hard for us. It has moved trash and items to the garage attic. I didn't know how much I could appreciate a wheelbarrow and how handy one could be. Thank you, wheelbarrow! As your reward, I will hook you up with the HOE for the evening!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Man Cave

We spent last weekend clearing out the basement so we could start the renovation. We built a shed to store the lawn mowers and tools. I have never seen a man so excited to have an outbuilding to call his own where he can hammer nails, saw things in half and just hang out with beer in hand. Jeff plans to decorate with liquor mirrors that he acquired while managing the liquor store (in 1980). It will be painted white.
Jeff keeps joking that he will go there when he's in the "dog house". I told him to hang out there as much as he wants. He has a mini frig, a fan and a new radio. All he needs now is a comfy lawn chair and he will have a hang out to rival Bob Pulley's.

The following pictures are of Jeff trying to get down from the loft in the shed. Lindsay ended up in the yard rolling around, laughing hysterically and I just about wet my pants.
The poor guy was just hanging there helpless. I finally got my composure and helped him find his footing.

This picture was taken by Lindsay after our long day of heavy lifting and moving. I can't believe we didn't get any pictures of Lindsday. She was such a huge help. We wouldn't have gotten half done what we did without her.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Soon to be Cellar Dwellers

I have decided that I am going to document every step of our basement renovation.
Jeff, Lindsay and I have spent quite a bit of time "down there"doing everything from trying to work out a floor plan to arguing about where Jeff's recliner is going to go. He insists it has to be by the window. I told him I would try my best to accomodate him. I'm sure there will be more on that later. are the before pictures. Work is going to start January 24. James, the contractor has already built a shed in the backyard to house Jeff, I mean the lawn mower and tools.
Picture 1-location of bathroom and shelving that will have doors

Picture 2-long view from bathroom area to kitchen area

Picture 3-shorter view from bathroom- spare bedroom in the middle and kitchen at the end

Picture 4-master bedroom-ends at door where there will be a wall

Picture 5-living room starts on other side of the door

Picture 6-Sergeant Leasa in the utility room

Picture 7-a picture is worth a 1000 words