Monday, December 31, 2012

Once, twice, three times a lady

Rest in Peace Maggie
November 30, 2012

Maggie passed away at the age of 14. She got sick pretty quickly and we once again had to make the terrible decision like we did with Gage to let her go

She came to us when she was 6 months old from an older lady who had received Maggie as a Christmas gift. She couldn't take care of her so Jeff brought her home to live with us. I can still see her in Jeff's arms as he pulled his truck into the garage. She had big floppy ears and she was adorable. 

Maggie was our first indoor dog.  She was with us for almost 14 years and it's hard to remember her as a young pup.She knew the word kitty and would bark and bark at the window when the neighbor's cat pranced around on the front porch. We started spelling kitty and she quickly learned what that meant. We would say, "Maggie! K-I-T-T-Y! "And she would take off toward the window, barking. She loved to play with Chad and Lindsay and was a lot of fun. She loved to take walks and sniff and sniff in true Beagle style. She always reminded me of the Fisher-Price pull toy because her nose was always down  and tail up when she was out and about. She also loved Lindsay's Barbie dolls and Lindsay ended up with quite a few that are missing feet. :-)

She was a sweet, sweet girl and tolerated a lot when Gage came to live with us. She made sure he knew who was in charge. She was gentle and  loyal . She didn't know a stranger and loved everyone.
She  loved to be rubbed and she was always happy to see us. I have shed a tear everyday she has been gone. I miss her so much.

Maggie-thank you for being the Beagle you were and for all the fun times. We know you are in heaven keeping Gage in line. We love you and miss you so much!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Downtown Pursey Brown

I found Downtown Pursey Brown (aptly named my Joel) in New York City at the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market. I wasn't looking for a purse as I don't normally shop for handbags, purses, pocketbooks, etc. but there it was hanging on a hook under a canopy, being peddled by a sweet woman. There were several different colors to chose from and the orange one caught my eye but I chose the taupe color because  " it goes with everything". It is soft as butter, and has several zipper compartments and is so darn cute. In the past, I haven't cared much about bags except for their functionality. I get a purse and use it until it's falling apart.  Pursey is different. For some reason it makes me feel good. I wish I had bought  more than one color. I even think my sisters are suffering from a little Pursey envy. It didn't hurt that I found it in one of my most favorite places in the world!

Pursey, Pursey, have mercy!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Love Letter to My Dog

                                                      Rest in Peace 9-10-12

Dear Gage,

You went to heaven today as all dogs do. I am so sorry you got sick. I know you were uncomfortable the last week of your life. I hate that so much for you. Daddy and I tried to comfort you all we could. I couldn’t decide if rubbing your belly helped but I hope it was at least comforting to know someone was there for you.

The  first time I heard about you was when Lindsay called me at work and told me Chad had brought a pit bull home. She was afraid of  you and what you might do to Maggie. I was very apprehensive myself. Chad reassured us you were a good dog and would not hurt us. I believed the negative things I had heard about your breed. I was ignorant, I admit that. I thank God every day that Chad brought you to live with us nine years ago. I appreciate your undying devotion and loyalty to our family, And, I also appreciate that you never growled, snapped, or bit anyone. I am so proud of you for making a good name for your breed.

I'm sure no one would be surprised to hear that you are my favorite dog of all times. Pretty much everyone who knows me, knows about you. Like your Aunt Tresa said, you had human-like qualities. You had a fine talent for making people love you instantly.

I want you to know that I loved every minute of cuddling with you. I loved kissing your jowls, I loved the white fur on your face and chest that looked like silk and your soft, soft ears. I loved the sound you made when I rubbed your ears. I never minded when you sat on my feet while I was cooking dinner or drying my hair. I will never forget the basketball goal incident, watching you carry a twelve pack of diet Coke with your mouth, the time you "helped" us tear up the linoleum floor or the fact that you didn’t just fetch a stick, you fetched the whole tree limb! And well, I could go on and on.
Please tell all my other dog friends hello. As I told you the other night, Missy and Coca will be your BFFs. Please be patient with Buddy. He’s a good boy-just a little nuts.

I hope you understand we did what was best for you today. It would have been selfish to keep you with us any longer. I will miss you more than you will ever know. Thank you for loving us as much as we loved you.
You were a good boy Gage. (that is what I always whispered in your ear)

Note: In the month after Gage passed away, we received many cards, flowers, chocolate :-) and two donations to animal charities (Seeing Eyes for the Blind and Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine)  in Gage's memory.  They were all beautiful gestures of friendship and love and we were very touched.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Home Stretch Continued

We are hoping to move Memorial Day weekend but that is only a week away and there is a lot that still needs to be done. They need to finish trim, touch up paint, put on door handles and clean.
I still need to pack. It going to be quite a week!

In the Home Stretch

There will be two posts of pictures. I can't get any more than six to load on this post. I am not the best photograher :-)
I love the green color in the kitchen. I don't think the pictures represent the color properly and I think one will either love it or hate it. Jeff says he likes it but I'm not so sure. The backsplash turned out fabulously. The pictures I took don't do it justice.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Let Me Entertain You

This is the entertainment center the cabinet man built for us.

They are going to start painting Friday or Monday. Then they will put up the backsplash in the kitchen, install the countertops, put in the light fixtures and we will be ready to move in! The only problem is, we are too busy to move.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Ice Cream Man! The Ice Cream Man!

Chad is one of his best customers. It had been two years since Chad had seen his old friend so I couldn't wait for the ice cream man to come so I could yell, "Here comes the ice cream man"! It just so happens that Lindsay, Lauren and James were here too . They all ran out the door with me chasing after them with my billfold. The ice cream man knew exactly what Chad wanted; two screwballs and a snowcone. When it was time to pay, I owed the ice cream man $9.00! We had to have been his best customer that day and that's ok. We made his day and he made ours!