Sunday, March 28, 2010

Guac My World!

I am in love with the avocado. It took years for me to muster up the courage to try guacamole. And now I crave it daily. Just this past week was my first time to eat an avocado not made in to guacamole. Luckily, I picked a perfectly ripe one at grocery store. (the avocado actually had a "ripe" sticker on it)
I cut it in half, got the pit out and scooped out the avocado just like I had watched them do on the Food Network. The avocado taste was subtle and creamy and just as yummy as could be. It made my salad extra special. I am going to try it on a turkey sandwich and anything else I can think of.
Yes, dear avocado you are "guacing my world". Muah! Love ya!

Friday, March 26, 2010

I've Got the Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay Down in My Heart!

I vividly remember waking up from a dream at 710 South Main when I was nine or ten years old and thinking, "I'm in love". It was a dream about the Osmond Brothers. I don't remember many of the details but I do remember they were in their Elvis-style white costumes running from a horde of girls. Jay stopped, turned around, put his hand out and told me to come with him. I had a lovesick feeling in my stomach for a very long time after that dream. I loved all the brothers but Jay was my favorite.
Tresa emailed me a few months ago to let me know Jay, Merrill and Wayne were going to be in concert at a small venue in Marietta.
I dragged poor Lindsay with me and reminded her a few times that when she's fifty, I would go with her to a Backstreet Boys concert. (And I took her to get a milkshake afterwards) I was happy. I smiled so much my face hurt. They came out after the concert for a meet and greet! Ahhhhhh!!!. They were genuinely nice and still focused on being the best they can be. The Osmonds didn't disappoint. Of course they didn't; they're the Osmonds!

PS When we were waiting in line with a mostly over fifty, pushing sixty year oldish group of women, I asked Lindsay if I should tell Jay about my dream. She replied, "Probably not". :-)

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I tripped over snow boots at the back door. I can't remember the last time we had our snow boots by the door and in use. We heard about the snow coming for several days from the weather man so it was much anticipated that Friday might be a snow day. The snow was later predicted to come in around 1:00pm so we had school. The snow did start around one and by three o'clock we had a nice covering. The kids were already hyped up with Valentine candy and the talk of "Snowstorm 2010". Everyone was hoping the snow wouldn't stop until after the end of the school day so we could at least catch a few flakes. Around 3:00pm, (school day ends at 4:00)the fire alarm went off. My first thought was, "I wonder if the kid who pulled the fire alarm knows there are video cameras everywhere". I stayed behind for a minute to make sure the library was empty and headed outside. By then,there was pandemonium. Kids were laughing and screaming and snowball throwing. Turns out no one pulled the alarm--there was a malfunction and there couldn't have been a better day for that to happen.
I got home and immediately went in and put on my twice worn snow boots and ran out the front door just like a kid. Jeff and I took a walk and brought the dogs out for a good romp in the snow. Gage was a little freaked out and kept eating the snow. Maggie was oblivious to it. We ended up getting around 3 inches. The next morning the sun was shining and it really was a winter wonderland. It didn't take long for the snow to start melting and today (Sunday) it's almost all gone. Every time I had to take the dogs out, I did have to pull the ol' snow boots on. I have to say that got old pretty quickly and I was was starting to fuss about it a little so I'm glad this is a once a year or so thing. Sorry Indiana-I can't imagine how sick of the winter weather you must be. I got my snow fix and I'm ready for spring. I had planned on putting the snow boots away this evening but just heard we may have one more blast of winter weather in the morning. I guess I'll be trippin' a little bit longer.