Sunday, January 16, 2011

Soon to be Cellar Dwellers

I have decided that I am going to document every step of our basement renovation.
Jeff, Lindsay and I have spent quite a bit of time "down there"doing everything from trying to work out a floor plan to arguing about where Jeff's recliner is going to go. He insists it has to be by the window. I told him I would try my best to accomodate him. I'm sure there will be more on that later. are the before pictures. Work is going to start January 24. James, the contractor has already built a shed in the backyard to house Jeff, I mean the lawn mower and tools.
Picture 1-location of bathroom and shelving that will have doors

Picture 2-long view from bathroom area to kitchen area

Picture 3-shorter view from bathroom- spare bedroom in the middle and kitchen at the end

Picture 4-master bedroom-ends at door where there will be a wall

Picture 5-living room starts on other side of the door

Picture 6-Sergeant Leasa in the utility room

Picture 7-a picture is worth a 1000 words


Tresa said...

This made me laugh! Love the pictures. I'm so glad you are back to blogging. How exciting to watch your new home come to life. Very cute entry!

sweetlittlelife said...

I'm so glad you have a new post! It is going to be so fun to watch the transformation of your new home!I love seeing the pictures and keeping up with everything!